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Keep up-to-date on our latest news!

Here are a few of the latest and exciting things being developed at Cooper Commercial!
Austin Cancer Centers Lakeway, TX

Cooper Commercial has completed the vault finish out and installation of a Linear Accelerator at Lakeway Regional Hospital Medical Office building. 
CT Scanner at Georgetown St David's Hospital

Cooper Commercial has completed the room finish out and installation of a CT Scanner for Austin Cancer Centers located in the Georgetown St David's Hospital.
PET / CT  Austin Cancer Centers East MLK

Cooper Commercial has completed the PET / CT Project for Austin Cancer Centers at their East MLK location. The Project included the vault finishout, PET/CT Installation along with  HVAC air filtration system, back up generator, Hot Lab and patient UpTake rooms.
Austin Cancer Centers
Cooper Commercial completes phase 1 of the design-build project for Austin Cancer Centers.
Phase 1 consisted of the installation of a new linear accellerator for Austin Cancer Centers located in the St. David's Hospital in Georgetown, Texas. 
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